I'm going to jump on the meme suggested by Chris Brogan and take it one step further. I'm an active commenter, but I haven't done as many link travologues as I'd like to, so I'll make up some ground today.
Thursday Bram, who I have no reason to suspect is otherwise ruthless, gives sound tips for getting your time back.
Another installation of the fiction series that Kelly is running. She's great at giving you enough information for the story to evolve while having that same bit of information prompt more questions. Her non-fictions is just as good.
Madonna and Freelancing: An "Ah-Ha" Marketing Moment - Quiet Rebel Writer
Amy deftly moves from a mini-rant on the "madonna versus whore dichotomy" to "you're either valued and attractive, or you're not (as a freelancer)." It's not what Amy says, but how she says it, that has me return to her blog everyday.
Is Alltop.com Jumping The Shark Already? - MonkMojo's 1000 Cuts
MonkMojo and I go back a long ways, and I'm really proud that he, too, has been added to Alltop. Have I mentioned how much I love Alltop? Great job, MonkMojo - and keep the infotainment going!
Loren's series on storytelling was really helpful and timely, as I was then considering how to spruce up my narratives. Pretty soon, I'll have to start paying her tuition for the lessons she continually gives.
Why You Should Roll Your Own Time Management System - LifeDev
Francis discusses something near and dear to my heart: Time Management Systems. It's time to start rolling your own systems, and we're here to help.
Important vs. Urgent: 5 Ways to Focus on What Really Matters - PickTheBrain
Jonathan Mead's at it again on Pick the Brain. Detangling the urgent from the important is hard to do, and Jonathan's post delivers ways to split the two. Great work, as usual, Jonathan!
On Eating Contexts for Breakfast and The Price of Radical Growth - The Growing Life
Clay Collins, my more talented alter-ego, really reached down to my core with this post, as I've been experiencing a lot of tension from radical growth here recently. The follow-up discussion is amazing, as well.
The Small Business Happiness Scale: Where Are You? - IttyBiz
Jamie takes the reins (or better yet, is gracefully given them) from Naomi over at IttyBiz and writes a great post about adjusting one's happiness scale when you're running a small business.
I'm a big fan of journaling and writing to get myself out of complex problems. Scott Young has written a great post on how to do this.
David Seah writes some of the best posts on productivity that can be found on the blogosphere, all mostly by accident and through honest introspection. His recent goodness starts with
The road to productivity is paved with clear steps leading to an act of completion; essentialy, it's finish what you start. However, as I sit here contemplating the rather large list of difficult-to-break-down tasks I've given myself, I'm thinking that there might be another approach. That is to relax and not worry about finishing. Or, perhaps, restart constantly.
It's a longish post, but it's one of those that I will no doubt read a few times, peruse some of his other posts, and come back and read it again. Yes...I'm still his young Padawan.
On other notes, the Weekly Productivity Planner is taking shape! It will be out by Friday - unless I get bogged down in student papers for longer than I think I will. Stay tuned!
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That's a fun idea! Meme culture can really enhance digital engagement. Speaking of fun, have you tried the Dinosaur Game? It’s a simple yet addictive way to pass the time whenever you're offline. Sometimes, these little games can spark creativity and new ideas for memes as well. Keep up the great work, and I'm excited to see where you take this!
I love Chris Brogan's meme idea! As an active commenter, I’m excited to dive into more link travelogues. Speaking of engaging experiences, have you tried the Monkey Mart game? It’s a fun way to combine gaming with community interaction. Let’s make the most of our online presence while enjoying some entertaining content!