Would You Buy Happiness?
I've been thinking about a few ideas for the last couple of weeks, and rather than launch into what I think, I'd love to hear what you think. So, here we go:
Let's pretend that I developed a process that will make you happy if you walk through the steps. And, by happy, I don't mean ephemeral, silly happiness, but something richer like holistic or flourishing happiness. The happiness I'm thinking of is the end of everything else we do.
Would you buy the product that walked through the process for $47?
Would there be anything wrong with me selling the product
Now, take out the word "happy," and replace it with "wise," "enlightened," or "transcendent." Do your answers change? Why?
Last switch: replace the word "happy" with "rich" or "successful at business." Do your answers change now? Why?
If you think there's no process that yields happiness, wisdom, enlightenment, or transcendence, keep in context the fact that there are institutions, organizations, and practices around just those things.
Edit for clarity: The process is contextualized, in that it's a process that leads to an outcome that is individualized for you. Holistic happiness, for example, is not a one-size-fits-all type of thing, so the process will have to address your uniqueness.
What do you think? I'm looking forward to the conversation!