3 Things That Prevent Us From Having Great Conversations
Editor's Note: This is a continuation of our core conversation on "Great Connections Lead to Great Ideas." Yesterday, Todd Kashdan encouraged us to be open to role reversals, and today, Jennifer Louden shows three things that get in the way of us having those great conversations that would otherwise naturally occur.

Jen muses on the things that get in the way of allowing great conversations to create great ideas - and how to sidestep those issues to allow the great ideas to flow! For example... * We think we have to compete to have great ideas. * We feel we're not worthy of the great ideas - or we're too smart for them. * We need a way to capture the ideas that come from these conversations. And what if you start to get overwhelmed by all the great ideas? Jen's got a great piece of advice for what to do to preserve all those juicy ideas without letting them overrun your life.
Note: If you're reading this via email or a feed reader, you'll need to click through to the post to see the video. More about Jen: Jen Louden is a personal growth pioneer who helped launch the self-care movement with her first book, The Woman’s Comfort Book. She's the author of five more books on well-being and personal wisdom that have inspired more than a million women in 9 languages. Jen is also the creator, along with Michele Lisenbury Christensen, of Teach Now. Jen has been a regular columnist for Body & Soul magazine, a radio show host on Martha Stewart’s network, and a spokeswoman for companies like Real Networks and SC Johnson, and sat on Oprah's couch. She loves creative people who want to change the world to get to it, and that includes herself. She believes self-love + world-love = wholeness for all. Visit Jen at JenniferLouden.com.
We'll be continuing this conversation next week when Les McKeown offers the introvert's guide to making great connections. Have a great weekend!