Abundance Is Still Available

Some of us have an easier time than others tapping into an abundance mindset: the feeling that there is more than enough available for us (and others) and that good things will happen. It comes from a place of trust. Having an abundance mindset can be difficult at any time, but it’s even more challenging now in the midst of a pandemic.
We all clearly witnessed the scarcity mindset that overtook people throughout the world in the earlier days of the pandemic. A very clear sign of a scarcity mindset shows itself through hoarding — whether hoarding a resource like toilet paper, or traits such as kindness and empathy. When we are in a scarcity mindset we are not able to show up as our best selves; we are acting and living from fear.
I’m not casting judgment or blame in any way. I have been on that train of scarcity thinking more times than I would like to admit throughout this COVID-19 crisis. Just ask Charlie; he’s had to walk me back off the ledge once or twice… OK, maybe a few more times than that. ;-)
In the midst of this crisis and the scarcity that at times seems to run rampant, there have been (and continue to be) many moments of beauty in the ways that people are supporting one another through an abundance mindset. Likely, we have all seen or heard about them.
We knew very early on that there was an actual scarcity of needed medical supplies and over and over again individuals and organizations have rallied to donate or try to help supply what is needed.
We have heard stories of people sharing their food (safely, of course) and other important resources, others who are shopping for their elderly neighbors, and the list of kindness and abundance goes on and on. It’s been a beautiful and heartening beacon of light in these darker days.
We have all had so much change in our lives due to COVID-19, and it is very easy to focus on how much we have lost or had to give up or can no longer do. We should absolutely not make light of that or try to ignore the feelings of sadness or despair or anger, as we know those feelings need to be held to the light and felt.
They are not shameful feelings to have; they are natural and normal and need to be honored. And, if you are anything like me, you have felt all of those about a thousand times these past weeks. And you have also found yourself in scarcity thinking, as well.
Though feelings of scarcity can still show up for me, I have continued to ask myself these questions:
Where might abundance still be present in my life?
What can I acknowledge as good and holy and right in my world right now?
How blessed am I that I still have __________? or
How blessed am I that I get to ___________?
When I allow myself space to mindfully consider those questions, I am always able to find places of abundance in my life. Don’t get me wrong, there are days where it’s a lot more challenging than others to find my way to abundance thinking, but it is always there, always available. And, it is also my truth. It’s not a pie-in-the-sky fabrication of my reality. Even in my darkest moments, there is so much abundance in my life.
Where is abundance still available to and for you?