Come Home. Deep Roots. Steady Heart.

Come home. Deep roots. Steady heart.
This is a mantra I have been using as of late. Here is what it means to me.
Come home. This is a loving and gentle guidance letting me know that I have gotten away from myself in some way and that it is the perfect time to pause and bring my energy and focus back into my own body, heart, and soul.
When I have found myself drifting towards anxiety about something. When I have noticed that I am feeling disconnected from my breath. When I start to spin because today’s to-do list isn’t getting done.
Come home. I pause after saying this to myself, allowing and welcoming my energy back home.
Deep roots. This is my prompt to focus my attention on my feet. To wiggle my toes and bring my energy and focus into my feet. I ensure my feet are steady on the ground and picture myself rooting into Mother Earth.
No matter what comes my way or is swirling in the world around me, I am grounded, strong, and steady. I may sway within the swirl or as the winds of change circle around me, but I know that I am rooted, held, and safe.
Deep roots. I am present in myself (my home) as I have brought my energy back and used it to focus on rooting myself back into my own body as well as the higher power that holds and supports me.
Steady heart. This is the guidance I give myself to remember that I will move forward from this moment of pause and reflection from a heart-centered place. I move my focus from my rootedness, knowing that I will remain rooted, as I bring my energy to my heart space.
For whatever amount of time I need in this focus of the heart space I allow myself to breathe deeply into my belly while I focus attention on my heart. Sometimes it’s only 30 seconds, other times it may be a few minutes or more.
Steady heart. I am now in sync with my higher self, feel more at ease and grounded, and can enter back into my day from a place of power.
Come home. Deep roots. Steady heart.
A deep knowing I have about myself is that when I move through my day in touch with this steady, heart-centered space I always have a better day. And, my better days have positive ripple effects on Charlie, my family and friends, teammates, community, and my work. I delight in knowing that by taking care of myself in this way, I am also helping to make the world a little better, as well.
My invitation to you is to use this mantra and practice it daily over the next week, to see if it is able to support you. Find a sticky note or piece of paper and write down the mantra and post it where you will see it many times throughout your day. Or post it in many different locations throughout your home.
Anytime you notice yourself drifting, feeling anxious, getting angry, or in a place where you just don’t feel in alignment, take a pause and use this practice to help you get back to your more powerful, heart-centered self.
Lastly, if it is helpful for you to share this mantra with someone else so that you can both practice with it over the next week and check in with each other, I invite you to do so. Some of us do better with our practices when we have a buddy working on the same things at the same time and can share with one another.
We’re in this together and together we can support each other in coming home to ourselves, deeply rooted, with steady hearts.