Don't Try To Create In A Vacuum
Editor's Note: This is a continuation of our core conversation on "Great Connections Lead to Great Ideas." Yesterday, Chris Garrett shared the idea that you become the network you hang with. Today, Sarah Robinson encourages us NOT to to try to create in a vacuum.

Sarah explains why your great ideas depend on developing real connections online -- and offline. (Plus, she tells how she changed her website's name midstream, thanks to a series of important Skype conversations!)
Note: If you're reading this via email or a feed reader, you'll need to click through to the post to see the video. More about Sarah: Sarah Robinson is a micropreneur coach and business strategist, a strategic and intuitive business advisor, a Martha Beck-trained coach, and proud leader of a "Hooligan Tribe." Through her blog, personal and group coaching programs, strategic consulting, teleclasses and live events, Sarah helps entrepreneurs and professionals realize their great purpose and achieve their own versions of success. You can find Sarah at Escaping Mediocrity, and you can connect with her on Twitter: @SarahRobinson.
Tomorrow's thread in this core conversation will be woven by Michael Bungay Stanier. He'll show us how relationships make all the difference in a world of information.