Healing Touch in the Time of COVID-19

There are innumerable ways in which COVID-19 has impacted our lives. One of the biggest messages we’ve heard is that we need to socially distance ourselves from one another.
I mentioned in a recent webinar that it’s really physical distancing that is needed, not social distancing, as we need to find ways to socially connect with others now more than ever — whether it’s using technology to have video chats with friends, or going outside to chat with neighbors from a healthy distance. Even the most introverted of us need social connection to thrive.
But what about the need for physical touch? Because of necessary physical distancing there may be many people who are not receiving the physical touch that they want and need at this time. Those who live alone, especially without animal companionship, may be feeling this in a deep and painful way right now.
Just as we need to get creative with how we are socially connecting with people it may be helpful to take a bit of time to figure out how to get the right amount of physical touch in your day, with your own hands. Here are a few ideas that you may want to consider incorporating:
Self Massage – I really like the step-by-step instruction from Rachel in this video. You can skip to about minute 6 if you just want to dive right in.
Acupressure – Another self-touch technique that can be incredibly helpful in times of stress is stimulating acupressure points. There are lots of sites out there that will point you to different acupressure points to help with stress. Here’s one.
Self Hugs – Hugs can be extremely therapeutic. Even if no one else is around you can still experience hugs. By hugging yourself you can help ease anxiety and invite in self-love and compassion. Wrap your arms around your shoulders or midsection for about a minute and give yourself whatever level of squeeze or rub feels best. Take it a step further and speak kind words to yourself at the same time.
Safe touch is healing on so many levels. These ideas can be helpful for all of us though, not just those who are currently living alone. We all need to up-level our self-care at this time.
So, ask yourself: which of these resonates and aligns with what I need right now? Choose one of the above and take five or ten minutes to offer yourself the gift of healing touch.