Love Is Always a Good Idea

I started playing with something a few weeks ago to see how it worked for me. This is something I’m still testing and is definitely not an engrained practice yet, but I’ve really enjoyed the results thus far, so I thought I’d go ahead and share it.
When I find myself in one of two different scenarios I stop and check in with my heart. Specifically, I say to myself: Love is always a good idea. And, that short mantra has become my cue to pause and hear from my heart.
The two scenarios are:
When I notice myself moving into a place of judgment or anger.
When I am stuck and unsure of my next step.
Yep, these are two wildly different scenarios. However, they are both places where I have noticed I don’t always like what happens next or how I feel after.
Love instead of anger and judgment
When I notice myself getting angry, this practice has helped diffuse the situation before the anger takes over.
Late last week I noticed myself getting angry about a situation someone was trying to pull me into. This has been a long-standing pattern in this relationship; I love them and I have often negated my own needs. Instead, rather than engaging with them on their timeline, I paused, checked in with my heart (saying to myself: Love is always a good idea), and allowed it to guide me through the situation. I got the time I needed, honored a boundary I need to continue to work on, and more easily navigated the conversation when I was ready.
Love instead of fear and uncertainty
When I am uncertain about my next step, my general pattern has been to think my way through or out or on or around. With this new practice, I’m not abolishing the mind for my heart (or foregoing thinking for feeling), but I do know that sometimes my heart has very different things to tell me than my mind does — and they can be quite different and insightful.
Earlier this week after a doctor’s appointment I had an important health decision to make; there were benefits and challenges with either option. I have found myself in this place before due to chronic health conditions. Rather than making the decision in that very moment at the doctor’s office, or listening to my head trash that comes up around this area of my health, I paused and checked in with my heart (again saying to myself: Love is always a good idea). My heart had something very different to tell me than my head did, and it was absolutely the right decision for me.
More and more ways love is a good idea
While this is still a new practice for me, it has been incredibly helpful. I’ve been feeling more in touch with myself, a bit lighter, and less reactive. I have even noticed myself using the practice more and more throughout my days and in different ways. I’ll continue to play with this practice to see how it might serve me and my highest good.
Because really, no matter what the scenario: Love is always a good idea.