Productive Flourishing
Productive Flourishing
116: Learning to Learn and Express Yourself

116: Learning to Learn and Express Yourself

This episode is going to be a conversation between Angela and me about different learning styles and really getting to the bottom of how you learn, how you process and how you polish. The reason we’re going through this is because we’re both doing a lot of different creative things and we’ve found ourselves either stuck, or in the flow and we wanted to share how we’re working through that. Ready? Let’s do this!

Key Takeaways:

[0:50] Charlie explains how periodic struggles in his writing and learning ways to get unstuck have given rise to the idea for this podcast.

[3:21] The VARK modalities are brought up when talking about learning styles but these styles also apply to communication.

[4.30] If you ever you find yourself stuck learning something, try switching modalities - write/draw/move/talk it out.

[6:18] Charlie’s writing issue ended up being a great example of processing and expression style differences: he should have been drawing instead!

[9:45] This goes to show you that sometimes you get stuck because you’re trying to express your ideas in the wrong style.

[11:30] The three different ways to work through your creative process are conceptualisation, rough expression and polished expression.

[12:39] Each of these three stages may require you to use different styles: you may ideate visually, rough orally and so on and so forth.

[18:25] Sometimes, just switching modes will help you work through a jam and unstick your work.

[21:35] You also have to realise that working on your creations in one style or another as well as your level of mastery of that medium will not make it “less than”.

[26:05] When you’re not certain what style will best suit a particular activity, just try one, any one, it will help you to zero in on what works best.

[28:36] When you have mastered a medium, be even more careful because your own belief that this is your strength might prevent you trying different avenues.

[29:30] Our education system does not successfully foster different learning and communicative styles.

[30:27] People are happiest when they are expressing themselves and learning what style is natural for you will help you move in that direction.

Mentioned in This Episode:

The Small Business Life Cycle

Momentum Planning Method

VARK Learning Styles

Communication Matchmaking

Creative Giant Campfire Facebook Group

Productive Flourishing
Productive Flourishing
Productive Flourishing (formerly the Creative Giant Show) explores how to do the work that matters to become your best self in the world. Host Charlie Gilkey and occasional co-host Angela Wheeler take listeners on a deep dive into the lives of leaders, changemakers, creatives, and entrepreneurs who are thriving in life and business by doing work that matters. Listen in to see how they cultivate meaning, success, and happiness as well as their approach to productivity, business, health, and the challenges (yes, even the deep, dark ones) that show up in their lives.