15 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Working Another Day

Are you in the right line of work? Should you be doing something else? Ask yourself the following questions:
Do you get to do your work, or do you have to do your work?
If you were guaranteed your current standard of living no matter what you did, would you still do what you're doing?
True or false: When you think about what you do, are you dreaming or dreading?
Who decides when you work: you or your organization?
Do you get through your day or are days a chance to advance your goals and projects?
True or false: If you stopped liking what you're doing, you would quit.
Does your productivity keep you working or does it help you maintain productive motion?
Do you like to talk about what you do, or would you rather people not ask about it?
True or false: What you're doing today helps build skills and achievements that will help you do what you want to do 6 months to a year from now?
Does doing what you do drain your energy or renew you?
Do you make your To Do list or does somebody else?
True or false: You would be proud if someone you loved did what you're doing.
You get up early or stay late because...1) you want to work on the project or 2) you want to get the project done.
When you say what you do, do you say "I am a (_____) or I (_____). Example: I am a painter vs. I paint.
Would you do what you're doing if you weren't getting paid for it?
I recognize that some of the questions seem the same, but sometimes asking the question differently yields different answers. Please share some of your answers or thoughts if you're up for it.