305 Posts and We're Just Getting Warmed Up
This is the 305th post on this blog. In those 305 posts, there are 1,107 pages worth of content. That's not too shabby, if I say so myself.
I meant to celebrate at 300 posts - just like I meant to celebrate at 200 (and didn't) and 100 (and didn't). The truth of the matter is that it's better to celebrate late than to not celebrate at all.
Thank you for reading, commenting, and sharing; this blog and I are interwoven, and you have played an important part in our growth and endurance. I have a lot in the works for 2010, but I'd rather show you than tell you...so back in the kitchen, I go!
p.s. Did you see the revisions I made on my About page? Given how much I hate revising it, I wanted to celebrate that, too.