The Annual Reflection Mini-Guide
Tools to review your year, capture your projects, and start to decide which one(s) you'll pursue
It’s the time of year when many people are reflecting on the year and starting to cast their vision into the next year. In my experience, people jump too quickly into vision-casting and spend too little time in the reflective space.
Our Annual Reflection Mini-Guide helps you dig into the reflection side of things. You’ll notice that the mini-guide has personal and professional side-by-side rather than together or in different sections. This reflects the reality that the personal and professional domains of our lives weave together and yet are distinct.
Much like the Guided Business Review exercise from last month, the goal of doing an annual reflection is to have a better sense of where you are before you jump into articulating where you want to be. Too often, people can’t see that they’re either closer to where they last cast their vision, or that where they thought they wanted to go is no longer as relevant for them.
I’m also sharing two more of our exclusive worksheets since they’re a natural part of the process:
The “Letting Go of Your Projects” worksheet will help capture and cull a lot of the ideas and projects that may come up during your annual reflection.
The “Pick Your Project” worksheet will help you vet the short list of projects from the “Letting Go of Your Projects” worksheet.
You don’t have to do either or both of these bonus worksheets, but I’ve done this process enough to know to give you a home for those project seedlings.
Next month, I’ll provide some resources that will help dive more into planning rather than visioning. Many plans made this time of the year won’t survive the first week of the new year, so better to start planning then. Reminder: visioning and planning are different skills and tap into different parts of your brain.
[The downloads for these three assets are available to paying subscribers below.]