This is one of the best articles I've read about AI. As a newcomer to content and copywriting, I fully embraced researching via AI. It's mind-blowing how much I can find on any topic in a matter of seconds!

For the last year, I've called AI my "Bot-Muse" because it helps me get past the "blank page" syndrome. It also understands content and copywriting principles and formats. Even when it writes poor copy -- it gives me something to work with and another brain to bounce ideas around with.

I have so much fun chatting with the bot and learning how to create better prompts. I use Claude, ChatGPT, and Perplexity, which I find best for research.

My Bot-Muse and I work as a team, and we help each other improve. It reviews and edits my work, and I tell it to stop using cliches and let it know when it gets something wrong—in a nice way, of course. I'm always polite to the bot. 😂

Another teacher/mentor I follow says AI is best used with EI (emotional Intelligence), which seems to be what the Centaur is—I love that image!

Humans have the capacity to use any tool for good or evil, and AI is no exception. I don't fear Bots; I fear people who misuse them.

Thanks, Charlie!

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What an excellent deep dive on what AI means to us. Mindset is everything, and this post explores how we should be looking at the new tools for living. It also made me realized that we've been using these type of tools for much longer than anyone might realize.

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Skill decay is a real thing. And it’s hard to tackle because to do so slows down the centaur process. Curious about your approach.

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You can add “nonprofit fundraising” to that list of centaur benefits. Ideally a development director (which for NPO’s means developing fundraising relataionships, not code) would have an assistant, a grant writer, a social media specialist, etc…but the reality is that for many NPOs the dev director does all of those things. And that’s if the NPO is lucky enough to fund a dev director — rather than just the dev director hat the executive director puts on when needed.

As a dev director with a team of one, I found chatGPT invaluable for generating social posts, writing fundraising letters, improving Annual Reports for the board, and more. I know I didn’t become as centaurized as I could have…but suddenly I was operating at a higher level of competence, and it helped immensely.

I usually think of it as “if chatGPT can replace a part of your work, it’s a part of your work that was rote BS anyway.” Necessary, but also a misallocation of your capaciTEA.

Love the centaur idea - I’m in a new, related job now, and it’s not yet clear how AI could help me…but you’ve helped me realize I should take the time to explore where the centaur concept might help.

Because I’m still a team of one…

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