Editor’s Note: This is the first installment of our core conversations on Charlie’s book Start Finishing. This core conversation is a long series where we ask contributors to weigh in on a theme or idea from the book in their own way. Our previous core conversations have been a really powerful way of collaborating around an idea, and we’re excited to begin this new series right in time for the book’s launch! In this first installment, Patricia Bravo talks about working with derailers. Below is a transcription of her video.
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Core Conversations on Start Finishing: 3 More…
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Editor’s Note: This is the first installment of our core conversations on Charlie’s book Start Finishing. This core conversation is a long series where we ask contributors to weigh in on a theme or idea from the book in their own way. Our previous core conversations have been a really powerful way of collaborating around an idea, and we’re excited to begin this new series right in time for the book’s launch! In this first installment, Patricia Bravo talks about working with derailers. Below is a transcription of her video.