Do Epic Shit

[Pamela sent this picture to me. I love it when I can help people do their art.] This one will be a short one - as many of you know, I'm currently at SXSW. It's awesome and intimidating and overwhelming all at once. One of the panels I went to the other day was "Try Making Yourself More Interesting," moderated by Brian Oberkirch. In his discussion about how to make yourself more interesting, he presented the following, easy guidance:
Do Epic Shit
Many of us aren't doing epic shit because we think we're not big enough to do it. Or that it's better to start with something small and that smallness defines our ambition indefinitely. Or that epic shit is stuff that epic people do. Wrong. Everyday people do epic shit and then become epic. They weren't born that way. Okay, so you may not like "Do Epic Shit" as a mantra. You might prefer to think along the lines of "Create Something Remarkable" a la Seth. They're saying the same thing, though. What are you doing that's epic? Why is it worth talking about? Why should other people care? Rather than do something small and work like hell to build a story around it, do epic shit and let it speak for itself. (Tweet this.)
Need some help getting your epic shit done? Join us for our Monthly Momentum Calls on the first Monday of every month. We'll give you the structured time and support you need to ask some questions and start finishing the stuff that actually matters.