Does It Matter If I Know What I’m Doing?
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In this vlog, I raise a counter-intuitive problem: there are cases in which knowing your craft well changes people's perspectives about what you're doing. What's also interesting is that our evaluations change depending on which craft is under consideration.
In case you're curious, I know people switch conclusions because of the way they've done them in conversations. This isn't idle speculation.
So, here are three cases I'd like you to consider:
Does it matter if I know exactly how to craft useful, relevant, and interesting content?
Does it matter if I know exactly how to create content that leverages the power of social media?
Does it matter if I know exactly how to create offers and sales pages that get you to buy stuff from me?
If your answers change, think about why they change. What are the important differences between each case that changes your evaluations? (Before you answer about the third, please watch the short video.)
Really, this isn't about me as much is it as about the crafts in question and our assumptions about people's motives.
If you like these types of discussions and cases, check out When Helping Someone Else Else You.