Help Haiti And Get Some Help, Too
When Hurricane Katrina hit, I was deployed overseas. I watched as our neighbors and fellow Americans dealt with the tragedy and heartache and I felt helpless to do anything about it.
The tsunami hit Southeast Asia while I was deployed, too, and again, I couldn't really do anything but watch and read reports about it.
Now Haiti. I've been pretty oblivious to it, honestly, because I've been so focused on taking care of some stuff that I needed to address. I knew it was bad, but I wasn't watching it.
Then Danielle Laporte asked me to help and reminded me that I could.
I watched. I read. But one sentence from CNN told the story for me:
CNN correspondent Chris Lawrence watched as workers loaded bodies of quake victims, which had been piled on the sides of roads, into the basket of a front-loader tractor.
Bodies. Piled up. A tractor's basket full of the lifeless bodies of people being transported like dirt.
I'm in.
I watched Rwanda and Somalia but was too young and poor to help. I've watched Darfur, unable to help because of the resources I had available.
This time, I have the resources, time, and ability to help. And here's what I'm doing:
Between now and Tuesday, I'll either donate $100 to the Red Cross for every person who pays for a coaching session or package with me OR donate 100% of the revenue I get from any purchase of Email Triage.
If you're wondering why I'm doing it this way, check out Why I'm Helping Haiti the Way I Am.
These two things are what I have to offer right now, and helping the Haitians out will help you, too. If you've been on the fence about working with me or buying Email Triage, please make a decision between now and Tuesday.
If you'd like to sign up for some Momentum Coaching, please click here to learn more about it. As usual, you can redeem your session(s) any time in the future, so you don't have to be ready or able to work with me right now to help out right now.
If you'd like to purchase Email Triage, click here to learn more about it. Email Triage costs $10, so instead of buying music, a book, or a couple of magazines, desserts, or lattes this week, grab it and help out those in need.
Please help. Your actions make a difference.