Oooooooor you have ADHD. Task switching is in the DSM, and if it's a problem, it might be worth pursuing a diagnosis.

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Great addition, Briar!

I tend not to assume or posit that effectiveness challenges are NT or ND at the same time that I can do better about highlighting that some patterns are correlative to some people's ADHD functioning.

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Thank you so much for the acknowledgement! I definitely think this is a both/and situation. It is often not neurodivergence, AND, ADHD is estimated to affect as many as 70% of entrepreneurs and executive types, so I don't like to dismiss it out of hand, either.

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YES! Most of the time when I find myself task switching it’s because I’ve been interrupted, got a notification and got distracted, or the task helped me remember something I don’t want to forget, so off I go.

This is why I am ruthless in what I allow to be included in computer, phone, and watch notifications because they are so damaging to my focus. Today I realized I am still getting email notifications pop up on my computer so off I went, switching tasks... to review and turn off as many computer notifications as I could. 😬

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Thanks for sharing. I found a lot of interesting information here https://www.hot-schedules.com

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Thanks for sharing. I found a lot of interesting information here https://www.hot-schedules.com

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