I See You. You Are Enough.

Sister, brother, friend, I see you.
I know you. I see you. I am you.
When the day is done and you’ve tucked the kids in and your partner is asleep by your side and your home is finally still and that voice of doubt shows up again telling you what you did today wasn’t enough.
I know you. I see you. I am you.
When the grief overwhelms and brings you to your knees and you cannot catch your breath.
I know you. I see you. I am you.
When you hear of another friend who has lost their job and doesn’t know what is next for them, and you care and want to help… and it touches your fears of what might be coming for you and sends you down the rabbit hole once again.
I know you. I see you. I am you.
When the day begins anew and it feels a bit more promising and hopeful than the day before and you want to open your arms and allow it all in... and you are scared to open yourself to the pain of disappointment.
I know you. I see you. I am you.
When all you want in this very moment is a hug from your best friend or your mom or your brother and you feel like you would risk so much just to have that touch and connection.
I know you. I see you. I am you.
In your tears. Your laughter. Your rage. Your sorrow. Your joy. Your pain. Your confusion. Your desire. Your fear. Your need.
I know you. I see you. I am you.
When you have no more to give. When you have done all you can do. When you can no longer resist. When you have decided it is enough. When you are done.
You have come to that place because the truth is…
You have done enough. You are enough. To be is enough.