This roundup features a variety of insightful and engaging articles. Highlights include Naomi's exploration of why loved ones may want you to fail on IttyBiz, and Jeff's ten tips for overcoming obstacles on My Super-Charged Life. Michelle at Bloggrrl discusses finding new motivation after achieving career satisfaction, while Lori offers rules for managing a mid-life crisis on Dumb Little Man. Additionally, Clay's parody on The Growing Life humorously critiques productivity articles, and Chris debunks multitasking myths on Productivity Planner. Glen shares tips for staying focused on Zen Habits, Mark emphasizes the importance of offline reading on Productivity 501, Scott provides strategies to avoid stupid mistakes, and Jonathan Mead discusses divorcing your problems on Illuminated Mind. Lastly, Geoff suggests using an exercise ball as a chair on GearFire, Amy enriches vocabulary on Word Pr0n, and Alex shares personal development insights on The Next 45 Years.
This roundup features a variety of insightful and engaging articles. Highlights include Naomi's exploration of why loved ones may want you to fail on IttyBiz, and Jeff's ten tips for overcoming obstacles on My Super-Charged Life. Michelle at Bloggrrl discusses finding new motivation after achieving career satisfaction, while Lori offers rules for managing a mid-life crisis on Dumb Little Man. Additionally, Clay's parody on The Growing Life humorously critiques productivity articles, and Chris debunks multitasking myths on Productivity Planner. Glen shares tips for staying focused on Zen Habits, Mark emphasizes the importance of offline reading on Productivity 501, Scott provides strategies to avoid stupid mistakes, and Jonathan Mead discusses divorcing your problems on Illuminated Mind. Lastly, Geoff suggests using an exercise ball as a chair on GearFire, Amy enriches vocabulary on Word Pr0n, and Alex shares personal development insights on The Next 45 Years.