Morning Person Tester: Are You Working At the Wrong Time?
Glen has recently posted an article on LifeDev that resounds quite true. My original peak-time was in the morning from about 7:30 to 11:30, but I stopped getting up earlier and have actually managed to collapse onto the time of 8:30 to 12:30. Sometimes I catch another sprint from 1:30 to 5pm, but that's highly dependent on how much iced tea I drink and how distracted I got at lunch. One the best, and hardest, things for me to do was to stop checking my email first thing in the morning, as that'll send me on a task goose-chase across the day, when, in reality, most of it can wait until I get into an off-peak time.
Hint: To be really productive, I've had to turn the auto-checker off on Despite the frequency of auto-checking for incoming email, I found myself anticipating the new mail and checking it anyways. By turning it completely off, I freed up the psychic energy being taken by that anticipation. I now check it either twice a day or in-between tasks if I'm waiting on an urgent email.
Take Glen's post to heart and try working at different times of the day. If you notice a change, make it a habit with Steve's 30 Day Trial Plan. Good luck, and I'll see you bright in the morning.