Recommit Instead of Quit (Productive Flourishing Pulse #485)
Questions to ask to help you recommit to that new year’s goal
National Quitter’s Day — the day most people give up on their new year’s resolutions — was last Friday, January 10. If you made it with your resolution(s) still intact, congratulations!
If you didn’t, that’s okay — there’s still time to reboot and recommit (secret: there’s usually always time to reboot and recommit).
Before you do, though, it might be helpful to ask yourself a few questions about that resolution/goal/objective:
Did you clearly articulate it — meaning, did you make it SMART?
Did you make a resolution without a plan to get there? “A goal without a plan is only a dream,” Brian Tracy said, and he’s right.
If you didn’t make a plan/create a project around your goal, we have tons of tools and support for you here at PF, to identify, plan, and finish your best-work projects.
If you did make a plan, did that plan include:
the level of success you want to achieve?
an honest assessment of your readiness for it? (or your team’s?)
Note: these questions apply to your work objectives, too, just as they do to your personal goals.
One caveat: the questions above assume you want to recommit to that goal. Take a few minutes before you dive back in to make sure this goal — particularly when you see what’s involved and what that goal will cost you — is where you most want/need to spend your time, energy, attention, and money this month, quarter, or year.
Take a Moment
A prompt to pause and reflect.
What’s one goal or objective you decided to recommit to? What’s one you decided to let go of?
We’d love to hear what’s coming up for you.
Quiz Yourself!
Need help identifying where you might need support, or an area you or your team could work on to improve both your chances of success and your level of success on your objectives?
Start with a quiz!
Creatives, individual contributors and solopreneurs: Take the Momentum Quiz!
Good teammates and leaders: Take the Team Habits Quiz!
If it’s been a while since you’ve taken them, consider another go, to see what might have changed for you or your team in the intervening months.
Find Your Business Flow
The start of the year is the perfect time to reflect on the habits, routines, systems, and processes that support your business. Are they helping you navigate challenges and opportunities with clarity and resilience? Find Your Business Flow is designed to help entrepreneurs build flexible, sustainable workways that align with their goals and priorities.
The program kicks off on January 21, so there’s still a few more days (but only a few!) to sign up and get started before you miss anything.
Team Workshops
Need additional assistance in achieving your team objectives? Engage Charlie and the PF team to support your team with workshops in these core areas:
Team Habits
Team Meeting Makeover
Team Readiness
Team Strategic Goal-Setting
And more…
We’ll have more information about these workshops in the coming weeks, but if you want to start the “work together” conversation now, please fill out this form.
Events: Replays and Upcoming
Still thinking about what to let go of or how to assess your readiness for the year ahead? Join us for these events to get the support and clarity you need:
Monthly Momentum Call, January 15 (replay coming Friday, January 17)
Paid subscribers get access to the whole replay, notes, and extras. Free subscribers, consider upgrading your subscription to get access to the full replay and invitations to attend live next month!
And save the dates for our February calls (Zoom details coming soon):
February LSS: Wednesday, February 5, at 11:00 am PST
February MMC: Wednesday, February 19, at 11:00 am PST