It was an honor and a blast to be able to present an academy at World Domination Summit (WDS) with Marc and Angel Chernoff, Kendra Wright, and Mike Vardy. We each brought our own special sauce and we were definitely better than the sum of our parts. Marc and Angel discussed their Self-Inquiry Process, which helps people debug and rewrite the negative mind-chatter that keeps them from being successful. Mike discussed boundaries and giving each day a theme — for instance, Thursday is Training Day — that gives people a
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Those Who Finish, Win
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It was an honor and a blast to be able to present an academy at World Domination Summit (WDS) with Marc and Angel Chernoff, Kendra Wright, and Mike Vardy. We each brought our own special sauce and we were definitely better than the sum of our parts. Marc and Angel discussed their Self-Inquiry Process, which helps people debug and rewrite the negative mind-chatter that keeps them from being successful. Mike discussed boundaries and giving each day a theme — for instance, Thursday is Training Day — that gives people a