New Worksheet Available: The Proactive Sales Inventory Sheet
Here's a new proactive sales worksheet I created to support the students from our Smarter Selling Bootcamp. After some thinking about it, I decided I wanted to put it out there in the wild.

This particular aid is both a decision-making tool and one that is helpful to have handy during your sales activities. Here's what the columns are for:
Item - Whatever it is you are selling. It could be a product, a service, a component of a service, an event, or whatever.
Price - What you charge for it. This could be a total amount or a rate.
Gross Profit - How much you make after cost of service, cost of goods, merchant fees, etc. As always, there's a choice between selling something at higher volumes with less margin or selling something at higher margin with less volume. Here's where understanding Cashflow, Opportunity, and Visibility is critical.
How long does it take to sell? - We're talking about sales cycles throughout the course. The point here is that some things take longer to sell than others, and if you need cash today, selling something that may take 4 months to sell, instead of something that takes 4 hours, is not the way to go.
Add this to your sales tool chest. Yes, the worksheet is fillable and saveable. :)
Download it here: [download id="576"] and then share this with your friends - thanks!