What If What You Want Is Already Here?
Most of us run through life at a fast pace. We are focused on the goal and lose sight of what is with us right now. We’re focused on:
Getting dinner finished so we can get the kids fed, bathed, and off to bed at a reasonable time. It’s okay; we will probably get to spend more quality time with them this weekend.
Making our plan for the day so we can squeeze in one more thing on the list than we probably should, but we really just need to get more done today and that’s the way it is right now. Things will slow down eventually and we will feel less compressed.
Wrapping up that conversation with our dad because we know we have ten other things to get to this evening. We didn’t even want to be having this conversation right now and it could have waited.
Finishing the email we should have sent before signing off for the day and wondering if it would have made a difference to our sales flow this month. What if that’s the reason we come in second again this quarter?
What are your goals? Are you aware of what is already here with you that may be a part of that goal that you have for yourself, yet you’re missing out on it because you aren’t all the way there yet?
For parents, one goal may be to spend more quality time with their children. In the pursuit of doing that they don’t notice the times and places where they could just sink into the time right there in the moment.
Your kid probably doesn’t care about how good the food looks and that you mastered a new recipe. They just want to help you make it and get to talk to you at dinner about their day. Spend less time on making the food perfect and more time on doing it together.
For some of us, the goal may be to work less and instead enjoy more time in nature. Yet, when we make our plans for the week or month, we squeeze in one more project and work more hours to try to achieve… what?
We tell ourselves we’re working more now and pushing hard now so that we can have more time for ourselves later. In reality, we actually had the option to head out of work a little early today and go on a hike with our partner. Why didn’t we choose it?
Your goals and the way you choose to go about achieving them are yours to do with what you want. There are absolutely times in our lives where a push is necessary; working some extra hours or being unable to spend as much time as you would like with your kids.
But, have you made choices that have made that push your norm? Have you lost sight of what is already here? Are there ways that you are not enjoying your life and those that matter the most to you because you are focused on the BIG GOAL?
Can you take a pause today and sink into enjoying what you already have?