You Already Are Who You Want to Be

Spend not one more moment in search of who you already are. Who you want to be is already inside of you. You are worthy and have been worthy from the moment of your first breath.
All the ideal ways that you want to be (who you want to be) are who you already are.
Throughout our lives, we lose sight of those aspects of ourselves. They become muddied; whether through socialization, choices we consciously and unconsciously make, or by situations and circumstances that are beyond our control.
We spend so much of our lives in pursuit of some ideal version of ourselves, and very few of us ever really feel like we “get there.” But, what if all we needed to do was uncover what we already have and who we already are?
I’m not talking about the “richest person in town with more money than the GDP of most countries” kind of ideal. Nor am I referring to the “person who makes every head turn because not even gods in mythology were that stunning” kind of ideal.
What I’m talking about is who you want to be (already are) on the inside. The who that you are at your cellular level, the core of your being. How you feel about yourself. How you show up. The who that you are that is so far beyond what you have achieved that there is just no comparison to that kind of abundance and beauty.
Even if who you want to be is someone who is wealthy in the monetary sense or famous from hitting the billboard charts over and over again, if you get to the root of that desire what you find is that you want to be someone who is secure, happy, loved, kind, open-hearted, or something else.
Spend not one more moment in search of who you already are. Instead, endeavor to spend your energy uncovering who is already inside of you. I promise they are already there and ready to shine through. It may take longer to reveal all parts of who you want to be, but it is possible.
What is not possible, though — and what so many of us spend our lives doing — is looking outside of ourselves to find who we want to be. You will never find it there. It has always been and will always be inside of you.
No one else can give it to you. Who you want to be cannot be earned through a degree. Who you want to be cannot be found in selling your next book. Who you want to be cannot be fought for on a mat for a championship belt. Who you want to be cannot be found through finding the “perfect” partner or having the “perfect” children.
Absolutely, set your sights on your goals and do the work to get there. Put in the hours and the dedication to your craft so that you can excel at it. Enroll in the graduate program because you know your best work will be in counseling survivors of domestic violence. Set your training schedule for that marathon you're going to rock next fall and get to it.
Just know that who you are is not what you achieve. It is not a title. It is not a relationship. It is not an award. It is not a bank balance. Who you are — who you are longing to still yet be — is already inside of you.
If you want to be happy, know it is inside of you. It only comes from within and tapping into what is already there. You may have to work through layers of what you have learned and been taught, but it is there.
If you want to be loved and be loving, know it is also inside of you. You are an abundant and infinite source of love. It may have gotten lost and shuttered behind pain, but it is there. It’s always been there.
If you want to be secure, that too is inside of you. If you want to be generous, full of passion, wise, healthy, bold… all of it is inside of you.
You are worthy and have been worthy from the moment of your first breath. Rest in the truth that you already have all you need to be who you want to be.