You Are a Miracle

You are a miracle. There is and will only ever be one of you.
Really stop to think about that. Sit with that truth. You and you alone will only ever be the miracle that is you. That is phenomenal.
That scared, lonely child looking for connection and love was a miracle. This scared, lonely adult still looking for connection and love is a miracle.
Even in the times when you feel unlovable you are a miracle. Those days that you feel alone and not cherished you are still a miracle.
On those days when you’ve lost sight of your truth and your gifts, know that you are still a miracle.
That you are a miracle doesn’t mean you’re not going to face challenges. That you are a miracle means that you will find your way through those challenges.
Don’t allow the heartache and the pain that comes your way to be what defines you and your life. Allow it to be a part of what makes you an even better version of yourself.
Know that you have a purpose. You are here for a reason and while that reason may not be clear in this exact moment, know that it is good and holy and miraculous.
You are the only one who can bring your unique, miraculous gifts into this world.
You matter. We need you. The world needs you.
Dear, sweet you, who leads people into battle and in the boardroom and in the Zoom room. Who can be fierce and kind in the same breath. Amazing you who creates beautiful music and really phenomenal business tools. Who helps people share their own miraculousness with the world to make it a better place. You are a miracle.
Dear, sweet you, who is a grandmother and an activist with the heart of a lion. Who is thoughtful and encourages others to be thoughtful just by being yourself. Who keeps things going and “herds the creatives” to keep some order and is always showing new layers of depth and richness. You are a miracle.
Dear, sweet you, who cooks yummy things and grows magnificent, beautiful plants. Who has a great sense of humor and can figure out the things that stump the rest of us (or maybe just me). ;-) Who has an adventurous spirit and always gives a damn and knows about all the things. You are a miracle.
Dear, sweet you, who creates beautiful things and makes our collective work better. Who teaches on the mat, but also in more ways than you know. Who clearly cares deeply for those in her life. Who is up for the challenge and can move through with a chillness that amazes. You are a miracle.
Dear, sweet you, who polishes rough stones and turns them into beautiful gems to share with the world. Who has a big heart and a big brain and shows up with both to make things better just by being present. Who has amazing talent as a writer and creator and is a master juggler of so many worlds and creates order out of chaos. You are a miracle.
Dear, sweet you, who is a rockin’, awesome metal mama. Who helps people share their stories and gifts with the world in even better ways. Who sees the ideas and creates something that sings. Who has funny for days and a big heart. Who can push to make someone better but always from a place of love. You are a miracle.
You are the only one who can bring your unique, miraculous gifts into this world.
You matter. We need you. The world needs you.
While I’ve spoken to your talents and the ways you create, because they are indeed a miracle, always remember that your miraculousness lies in your being. You can’t help but be a miracle. It’s your being, not your doing. But, damn if your doing isn’t amazing, as well.
The above six examples of miracles are just those on Team PF. I wanted to write something like that for each and every one of you within the PF community who I know and love, even those I am just getting to know and love. That would have been a really long post to share. ;-)
Hey, maybe you could do the “exercise” I did above with a couple of miracles (really amazing people) who are in your life and share them with one another? How beautiful would that be?
While I am not able to sit down and write a paragraph about every single one of you, what I can say, and I really hope you hear me: I see the miracle that is you.
Do you? Are you honoring the miracle that is you?