Welcome to Productive Flourishing!

Few things are harder to manage than your time, energy, and attention.

Our work and life are full of projects that consume these precious resources. Unfortunately, distractions abound and it’s easy to get sucked into focusing on the things that don’t matter. 

You have a vision for how you want your life (your business, your home, your creative pursuits) to go. Things keep getting in the way and it’s downright frustrating. Your ideas deserve to be heard and you deserve to thrive. 

Productive Flourishing has been helping driven possibilitarians1 figure out how to thrive and do their best work since 2007. Our readers come from a wide variety of careers and often are hyphen/And souls.

What unites us is not what we do, but who we arewe’re naturally compassionate, creative people who have the vision to see how the world might be, the courage to take action, and the capability to actually change the world, in ways both large and small.

If that sounds like you, you’re in the right place. Stop fighting possibly being labeled or worrying about the potentially problematic part of ‘change the world’ - yes, I see you there, too. Hit subscribe and join the rest of us wrestling with those tensions.

If you’re interested in more team-centric content, you might like my new publication,

. Productive Flourishing is mostly about how you can thrive and do your best work; Better Team Habits is focused on how we can work better together.

The People Behind Productive Flourishing

Whenever you see ‘I’ here, it’s coming from me, Charlie Gilkey. I started Productive Flourishing way back in the day when blogging was still a fringe hobby you didn’t really tell people you were doing. At the time, I was working toward completing my Ph.D. in Philosophy and serving as an Army logistics officer.

What’s now called the creator economy matured into actual careers and ‘influencers’ became a Thing via social media. I’ve been the behind-the-scenes advisor and collaborator with many of the people who’ve been pillars of the creator economy and have been growing Productive Flourishing, as well.

Along the way, I’ve written three books. Start Finishing became a critically acclaimed best-seller and my new book, Team Habits, is on the way to becoming the same. The Small Business Life Cycle was my first self-published book and is the What to Expect When You’re Expecting for small business owners.

I’ve also created quite a few products, including the often-copied influential Momentum Planners and their evolution into the app, Momentum.

But I haven’t been doing this alone, hence the we/our that you see here. You’ll also hear from

, , , , and many others who work with me here at Productive Flourishing and also have their own bodies of work, too. I told you, we’re hyphen/and people.

Our Values At Productive Flourishing

As much as I wish this publication and community would be for everyone, it’s not. We write, share, and lead from values and have been doing this long enough to know not to compromise on them.


  • Reinvest in the community. When one of us thrives we all thrive. Productive Flourishing reinvests a portion of all profits into BIPOC-owned businesses and nonprofit organizations. We make a proactive effort to hire women, BIPOC, and LGBTQ+ people to our team.

  • Are Anti-racism and Pro-feminism: We not only reject racism in our own lives and team, but actively work to dismantle structures and practices that disadvantage people based on their race, gender, sexual identity, or other inherent traits.

  • Call out the toxicity of hustle culture: The form of capitalism that exploits workers and refuses to compensate them well for their time and energy is toxic to our society. We actively engage in a fulfilling, wealthy life that is balanced with family, friends, rest and joy, and strive to enable the folks we work with to do the same.

  • Model and support inclusive leadership: Our culture tends to define leadership exclusively. The word itself conjures up a certain series of traits: bold, decisive, action-oriented, white, and male. We strive to expand that default image to include great leaders from all kinds of backgrounds who might be quiet, humble, and lead from their heart while still holding people accountable.

  • Embrace neurodiversity: People with ADHD, ADD, autism, and many other forms of neurodiversity have long been shamed, overlooked, and excluded from the macro conversations of productivity and personal development. While most of us at Team PF are neurotypical, we embrace neurodiversity and create resources with a neurodiversity lens so that it has broader applicability and serves our audience.


If you’ve been around for a while, you’re more familiar with me saying Creative Giant than ‘driven possibilitarian’. Same thing, different label that may not get in the way of people joining us.

Subscribe to Productive Flourishing

A newsletter and community for driven possibilitarians who are seeking full-spectrum thriving, hosted by award-winning, best-selling author of Start Finishing, Charlie Gilkey.


Author of Team Habits: How Small Actions Lead to Extraordinary Results and the critically-acclaimed Start Finishing: How to Go from Idea to Done. Executive Coach. Philosopher. Army Veteran.
Connector of invisible threads. Co-creating pathways for people to develop their strengths and grow from where they are. Head of Education, frequent contributor, and Productivity Coach at Productive Flourishing.
Futurist into adventures and pasta
I have more than 20 years of experience teaching, coaching, facilitating, and leading in different sectors. With my broad knowledge and experience, I help leaders create dynamic, authentic, trustworthy, and high-growth environments.
Operations, Productive Flourishing