Find Your Business Flow

From Overwhelmed To In Control: Cultivate the Actions That Fuel Growth & Creativity

Join us in September & October for a 6-week cohort-based program designed to help you find the flow in your business, creating a rhythm that works for you — not the other way around.

Do you feel overwhelmed by the endless list of tasks required to keep your business running?

You’re juggling all the hats — CEO, CMO, COO, CFO — while struggling to find time for the creative work that truly drives you.

You know the loneliness, the frustration of not being seen, and the grind of working in your business instead of on it.

But you don’t have to do it all, and you don’t have to do it alone.

Building a successful business can be more than just keeping up — it’s about finding your flow, aligning your actions with your strengths and goals.

Imagine moving from overwhelmed to in control. Imagine a business that not only runs smoothly but also empowers you to grow it with purpose.

What if you could focus on what truly matters and make intentional progress toward your big-picture goals?

In our "Find Your Business Flow" cohort, you’ll learn to:

  • Build a support system so you’re never really working alone.

  • Show up authentically in your marketing.

  • Delegate and simplify your workload.

  • Prioritize working on your business with strategic focus.

  • Avoid distractions and stay focused on what’s essential.

  • Get resourceful with what you already have.

This program is for those ready to stop spinning their wheels and start making meaningful progress.

It’s time to find the flow that will fuel your growth and creativity, helping you build a business that works for you — not the other way around.


Find Your Flow

This isn’t just about building habits — it’s about finding your flow and creating a foundation for growth. Together we’ll focus on the four core domains of your business: strategy, growth (including marketing and sales), operations, and finances.

Here’s what you can expect:

Strategize for Success: Align your actions with your business goals, prioritizing effectiveness over efficiency in your strategic planning.

Focus on Growth: Develop the marketing and sales habits that drive business growth, ensuring that your efforts lead to measurable results.

Subtract to Add: Free up your time, energy, and attention by eliminating tasks that don’t contribute to your core objectives, allowing you to focus on activities that create flow and drive growth.

Delegate for Freedom:Delegate tasks that hold you back, whether you have a team of one or many, so you can concentrate on the high-impact areas of your business.

Reduce the Overwhelm: Implement strategies to find flow in your daily operations, addressing the root causes of overwhelm and helping you operate with clarity and purpose across all dimensions.

Custom Fit for Success: Identify and implement consistent actions and systems tailored to your unique strengths and the specific needs of your business, spanning strategy, growth, operations, and finances.

Connect for Collaboration: Engage with a supportive community of like-minded business owners, fostering connections that inspire growth and collaborative opportunities.

Operationalize for Efficiency: Integrate flow-inducing actions into your daily, weekly, and monthly routines to ensure consistent progress in operations, helping your business run smoothly.

Optimize Your Financial Health: Strengthen your financial practices to ensure you’re not just making money, but managing it wisely, with clear insights into your business's financial health.

Maximize Your Impact: Stop spending your highest energy on low-return tasks by focusing on activities that yield the greatest results, particularly in sales and growth areas.


Who This Program is Designed For

We use ‘owner’ to cover entrepreneur, owner, and founder, though we understand that you may be very particular about why you call yourself one or more but not the others.

  • Established business owners who are tired of spending their time “catching up” on routine tasks instead of igniting the creative spark that drives their passion or who are just rusty from summering.

  • Newer business owners who feel overwhelmed by the workload required just to reach the core work they started their business to do.

  • OBMs (Online Business Managers) or Founder Right-hands who want to be active participants in growing the business but need support escaping the busywork.

Building Your Business Building Habit: The 6-Week Experience

This cohort-based program is designed to help you cultivate the habits and routines that will drive your business forward. 

Through live group strategy sessions with Charlie and personalized 1:1 coaching with Maghan, you'll learn to put what matters most into practice. We provide the resources, activities, and frameworks you need to build effective habits, all while gaining support from a community of fellow business owners on the same journey. Get personalized guidance as you develop the habits that are essential for your business to thrive.

You’ll get:

  • 6 Weeks of Collaboration: Work alongside a small group of fellow entrepreneurs to build habits that support your business growth.

  • Strategic Insights: 4 live sessions, including 2 group strategy sessions with Charlie.

  • Personalized Support: 4 one-on-one coaching sessions with PF Productivity Coach, Maghan to help you implement the habits that will drive your business forward.

  • Hands-On Practice: Weekly coworking calls to put your new habits into action.

  • Seamless Connection: A user-friendly platform designed for cohorts, making it easy to connect with your fellow members.

Cohort Size

We’re intentionally keeping this cohort small (10-12 entrepreneurs) to create a safe space for sharing while also providing personalized support.

Timing & Structure

We are finalizing dates, but the program is expected to start the week of September 16, 2024 and run through late October. Here’s a look at the flow of the schedule (session dates noted below are tentative):


Session 1: Introduction to “Find Your Business Flow” (Tuesday, September 17th)


Session 2: Group Strategy Session With Charlie – Strategize together and find your flow in key areas of your business. (Tuesday, September 24th)


Individual Work & Community Connection – A week to dive into your business flow, with support from the community.


Session 3: Group Strategy Session With Charlie – Deepen your flow in strategic business areas and prepare for sustained growth. (Thursday, October 10th)


Individual Work & Community Connection – Continue building momentum with focused work and collaborative support.


Session 4: Closing Session - Celebrations & Commitments – Celebrate your progress and commit to maintaining your flow moving forward. (Tuesday, October 22nd)

We will also offer weekly coworking calls (tentatively scheduled for Fridays) to give you time to put these flow-inducing practices into your routine.

Your four (4) 1:1 sessions with Maghan can be scheduled anytime over the course of September and October. To ensure you start strong, please schedule your first session within the first two weeks of the program.


We are offering this initial cohort at the introductory rate of $2000.

Ready to Find Your Business Flow?

Discovering the right flow can transform your business and your life — and we’re here to help you make it happen. In the "Find Your Business Flow" program, you'll receive the guidance, support, and community you need to create a rhythm that drives success and feels natural.

Ready to take control of your business and focus on what truly matters? Fill out the interest form today, and be the first to know when enrollment opens.


About Charlie & Maghan

Charlie Gilkey 
Founder, Business Strategist, Author, Speaker, and more

I am the lead consultant, coach, and strategist at Productive Flourishing. I have nearly 20 years of fieldwork that incorporates systems thinking, strategy execution, leadership and organizational development, practical innovation, and communication.

Besides the technical expertise, I possess a passionate drive to help leaders and owners achieve more than they could have ever imagined. My experience includes leading 200+ soldiers in the U.S. Army, 15 years consulting leaders in various industries in for-profit and nonprofit industries, from Fortune 100 companies to tiny nonprofits, writing award-winning books, and serving on various boards. My most recent book, Team Habits, is a guide to creating practices in teams that create great results and belonging.

Maghan Haggerty
Productivity Coach & Head of Education

I help individuals and teams connect with their strengths and use them to achieve their goals. Over the past five years, I’ve focused on Productivity Coaching and developing resources like the Start Finishing Field Guide, a companion to Start Finishing: How to Go From Idea to Done, which helps clients put their projects into immediate action.

As a Gallup Certified Strengths Coach and Certified Sparketype Advisor, I bring a blend of empathy, curiosity, and practical tools to my coaching, empowering clients to step into their strengths and thrive. My work with Productive Flourishing includes leading the educational pillar and supporting others in turning their ideas into reality.

Before stepping into coaching, I spent over 20 years in Account and Project Management within the advertising industry, where I honed my skills in Client Services and Operations Management. This experience continues to inform my work, allowing me to blend strategic insight with hands-on support for my clients.


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